Unity Christian Fellowship International Ministries, Inc.
"Each One Reach Some"

Unity Christian Fellowship Ministries, Inc.
North Eastern Region, Overseer
Bishop Leonard B. Lacey
Senior Pastor, United Faith Christian Ministries
Leonard B. Lacey is a native of Alabama. He relocated to Virginia in 1971. He served the Commonwealth of Virginia, with 33 years of service with the Virginia State Police. His law enforcement career provided him a greater appreciation for life and facilitated a broader perspective about death. His life experiences has shaped his character and fueled his love for all humanity
Bishop Lacey is the pastor and founder of United Faith Christian Ministry (UFCM). This unique ministry was birthed in February 2001 with a group of Christians who loved the Lord and committed themselves to His service. Under the direction of Bishop Lacey and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, UFCM has contributed much to the Kingdom of God through mission efforts, preaching and teaching the Word of God. This unique ministry is a place where healing takes place, lives are changed, families are reconciled, men and women are strengthened and revived.
Bishop Lacey is a loving and caring man of God who contributes much to the Kingdom through the giving of his time, talent and treasure. He is a gifted preacher and teacher. He strongly believes the Word of God is essential for spiritual growth and for a personal relationship with God. Embracing the call of God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1988, Bishop Lacey began to prepare for the work of ministry at the Fredericksburg Bible Institute, where he received a degree in Religious Studies. Bishop Lacey continued his educational pursuit at the University of Mary Washington where he received a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Studies, a Post Baccalaureate certificate in Criminal Justice Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master's Degree of Preaching from Richmond Virginia Seminary. He has completed course work at North Carolina State University, and Virginia University of Lynchburg. Bishop Lacey is a visionary who has a passion for people and a burning desire for the Word of God. He endeavors to follow the Holy Spirit to accomplish the will of God. Having a desire that all men study and grow in the grace and knowledge of God and his passion for a prepared people, led to the opening of The Unity Institute at UFCM in January 2007.
This man of God has written and published several books as well as articles for the news paper. He has a weekly radio announcement termed the "Link2Life". He serves as a Chaplin with the US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration and the Stafford County Sheriff Office.
Bishop Lacey is a very blessed man who is a living testament of God's grace, love, patience and forgiveness. He was married to the late Dr. Renee Lacey, a dynamic and gifted woman of God. She was a powerful preacher and teacher who ministered with wisdom, love and grace. She was an accomplished musician and prolific writer. Dr. Lacey was the Director of Alternative and Summer Programs in Prince William County, Virginia and was dedicated to at-risk students and those with special needs.
Bishop Lacey is a proud father of has one son, two daughters and four grandsons, all of which are involved in the work and ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
Bishop Lacey and his family are fully dedicated to the work of God. It is their prayer that all men realize the love of God, accept the gift of salvation and mature in Christ, so that they may be equipped to minister to others.